Friday, October 14, 2011

The best laid plans

Tuesday I took the morning off to go with Meg’s daycare to the pumpkin patch. With the whole I-hate-working thing, this was going to be a much-needed sanity saver.

Then Meg woke up with pink eye.

I called the daycare, hoping against hope they’d let us come anyway – she obviously couldn’t spend the day at the center, but maybe we could drive separately and tour the pumpkin patch with the class?


I totally understand that, but it was a bummer.

We ended up having an awesome morning anyway, though. Besides the doctor, we went to the pharmacy, the bank, the post office, the consignment store, and the grocery store. We knocked out my whole errands to-do list. We even crossed a list item off at the doctor’s when they agreed to give her a flu shot while we were there.

Despite the shot, the pink eye, AND the massive ear infection the doctor discovered, Meg acted like she thought it was Christmas morning. She was so happy to be by herself with mommy. I realized since the baby was born, I haven’t been away from him for any reason that didn’t take me away from both kids. Oops. I think it also bothers her that since I went back to work, Paul goes along every time she goes to Grandma’s house (on non-daycare days my mom babysits while I work). She loves her brother very much (and says so often), but I think she’s a little desperate for time with someone’s undivided attention. We’ll have to have some mommy-daughter dates soon.

1 comment:

  1. I was told recently that a parent should try for 15 minutes per day of undivided, not-directed attention with each child. No suggesting what they do, just "what would you like to do with mommy for a bit?" And while 15 minutes isn't a lot in the scheme of things, I realized that I certainly don't do the whole "undivided" thing. It's something to work on. I like the idea of Mommy dates, though.
