Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Questions for you! Part four, apparently.

Hey, remember way back when that meme was going around that had something to do with elevens? And everybody was sick of it, so I decided to write eleven questions, but split them up and post a few periodically? It's ok. I don't really remember, either. But I still have more questions! So here are three of them:

1. What are you reading right now? Do you like it? 

2. What’s your favorite non-current TV show (as in, they don’t make new episodes anymore)?

3. What’s your favorite show available on Netflix? If it’s the same show as in question #3, then tell us about your second favorite.

My answers:

1. I'm kind of in a reading funk, so I downloaded Little Women (free!) for my Kindle. I haven't read it since I was in middle school, so I'm hoping re-reading as an adult doesn't ruin it. 

2. This one's pretty obvious: Friends. 

3. I wrote this question so I could find some shows to watch in Netflix, because I've never found that much for TV shows in there. The shows I watch are usually on Hulu instead. Do you have suggestions for me?


  1. 1. I never get to read anymore. I have started 3 books recently and I just can't seem to finish one. Maybe one day. I have a trip alone coming up soon.

    2. Friday Night Lights for certain. Chris got me the boxed set for Mother's Day. (I husband doesn't have a single sentimental bone in his body.)

    3. I just started watching West Wing on Amazon Prime Instant Video. I am loving this show and wondering why I didn't watch it when it was on.

    1. We've watched the pilot of FNL and keep meaning to watch more, but never seem to get around to it! These darn kids keep demanding to be fed and stuff.

  2. 1. A couple of the books I just finished weren't great. But I'm currently reading Tana French's Faithful Place which is pretty good so far, and our book club just chose Giving Up The Ghost by Eric Nuzum, which I think looks sort of intriguing.

    2. My So Called Life. Oh man, I loved that show so hard (still do!)

    3. I've been making my way through Dawson's Creek again on Netflix, but also the show Greek. Have you watched that? I'm clearly in a Teen Dramedy/ABC Family type watching mood lately.

    1. You know what Teen Drama/ABC family show I want to watch again? Seventh Heaven. I used to love that show.

      (Dawson's creek is on my to-watch list, but it seems I never GET to the list!)

  3. 1. Catching Fire
    2. West Wing. Duh.
    3. I don't watch any series regularly, so I am going to randomly pick How I Met Your Mother. Is Parks & Rec on Netflix? If so, I recommend it.

    1. I keep saying I intend to start watching the West Wing soon and it never happens. I really mean it, though! What I need is a week off work to do nothing but watch TV. That should be easy.

  4. 1. "Gone Girl" and a parenting book "Sheperding a Child's Heart."

    2. I will watch Sex and the City ANY TIME it comes on.

    3. We don't have Netflix.

    1. I LOVE Sex and the City. I own the complete set. I think you should come over and watch it with me.

  5. 1) Gone Girl.
    2) Firefly
    3) I actually don't know if Firefly is on Netflix (I'm sure it is) but I just finished the first two seasons of Pretty Little Liars and holy balls, is that show addictive.

    1. So everyone keeps talking about Gone Girl and I'm not sure if it's something I should avoid for it's propensity to make people anxious and/or angry. Do you recommend it?

    2. It didn't make me anxious or angry. I liked it, though I hated both main characters for a lot of it (when I liked Nick, I hated Amy; when I liked Amy, I hated Nick). But I loved the ending, I thought it was the only way it could have gone. I vote you do it!

      (Sorry it took me so long to reply. I saw that you'd asked a question but I was on vacation and my phone won't let me comment on Blogger blogs, and I just now remember to come back and do it!)

  6. 3. Parks and Recreation-- Amy Pohler's show. Hilarious. Give it a few episodes to warm on you, and you won't be able to stop hitting "watch next episode."

    1. I need to try that show again. We watched a bunch of the first season and were really not impressed. But I think that was a common reaction at the time and everyone loves it now!

  7. 1. I am reading The Thief, by Megan Whalen Turner, and enjoying it quite a lot. It's the first in a YA mythopoeic series that is so far 4 books long.

    2. Boy Meets World. Runners up are Roseanne, Friends, Dawson's Creek.

    3. I am in the middle of re-watching Dawson's Creek, and mostly enjoying it. My only beef is that the music is all different, because they didn't want to pay the royalties or something, and the replacement music isn't done that well. Once I am done with this, I'm moving onto The West Wing on Amazon Streaming.

  8. 1. I just finished Love, Unscripted, and I'm reading Wild, too. Love was sort of eh. Wild is good but INTENSE so I needed a break.

    2. Hmmm, probably Arrested Development or Felicity, which is a weird combo, but there you go.

    3. I really like "Ten things i hate about you," the ABC Family show. Because I have terrible taste and I don't even care.
