Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Holiday card giveaway!!

This post is sponsored by Shutterfly.

I’m not a Halloween person and Thanksgiving to me is a day, not a season, so I don’t think Christmas planning can ever start too early. I like it better, actually, before winter starts and I start to feel the pressure to get everything done. I’ve already got present lists and decorating plans in my head and am starting to get them organized (which means I’m not really that early on the planning this year – I think Jen has all her presents done and wrapped!)

So far I have:
1.     Ordered fabric to make super-secret presents.
2.     Purchased iTunes gift cards, for stockings (I got them when they were 10% off at Target!)
3.     Speaking of stockings and Target, every time I go (which really isn’t all that often, since we’re not made of money and things just jump into my cart there) I grab a few dollar spot items I think might work well for stockings. (And a whole bunch more I “need” for other things, but we won’t go there.)
4.     A folder on my computer titled “2013 calendar” with pictures named “July” or “September” so ordering calendars will be quick and easy. I wish I could order now, but I try to do it at the last minute so the pictures of the kids are as recent as possible. I am planning to get some staged pictures this year – like the kids in their Christmas outfits, so I have a list.
5.     Along the same lines: a list of pictures I need for various other things – like “M with Grandma for X project.” Maybe I’ll actually get the camera out at Thanksgiving this year!
6.     A list of some of the decorations we're Freecycling this year. I've been waiting 9 months to get rid of a couple mini-trees.

Next on the list: Christmas Cards!

I think I’ve narrowed my decision to these two cards. I prefer stationery cards (which the top one is), but will see what looks best with whatever picture I end up choosing.

If you’d like to order Holiday cards – or anything else – from Shutterfly, leave a comment (saying anything!). For an additional entry, tweet a link to this post and tag me (@JesabesBlog), then come leave a comment saying you did so. The winner will receive a promo code for $50 off their total order (does not include shipping & cannot be combined with any other promos). The contest will be open for one week, ending 12:00 pm central time on October 23rd, 2012.

For other savings opportunities, check out Shutterfly’s special offers page or follow them on Twitter or Facebook.

Shutterfly is providing me with a promo code for $100 off one total order for this post and sending a $50 promo code to one of my readers.


  1. I use Shutterfly for my cards every year so I'd love to have this!

  2. I have never done a photo card before...I think it would be great to try!

    tcrowley122 at hotmail dot com

  3. Tweet!

  4. Ooh, I like that first holiday card quite a bit! I'm hoping to put together a photo book of our Disney trip, so $50 sure would help with that!

  5. I'm making a shutterfly photo book of my oldests' artworks from 1st-3rd grade and $50 would go a long way on that. I also want to get christmas cards...if we take family photos soon...so I could use it for that too.

  6. Tweeted


  7. I always look forward to doing our family picture Christmas card! Like so much I already have 2 cute family pics for the card. Oh and it gets me so excited for Swistle's holiday card rating system!

  8. I love Christmas cards! I would love to win.

  9. I make a ton of photo gifts for the family for Christmas, and would love to do it for FREEEEE.

  10. I've finally succumb to the photo cards. This would make life so much easier!

  11. Last year was the first year I managed to send holiday cards, and I'm planning on making a habit of it. Granted I didn't mail them until the middle of January, but I'm betting no one was surprised. I'd love to save some cash on it!

  12. This will be the first year we have to incorporate a dog into the photo ... I'm thinking we'll be doing a multi-picture layout with a family photo with a few other snapshots, one of which will be the dog, because can you imagine trying to get a toddler AND a dog to both look at the camera at the same time? Especially if we continue our tradition of going to a Christmas tree farm to do the picture, where there are BIRDS! And TREES! And AIR! And PEOPLE! And OTHER THINGS THAT SMELL AND MOVE AND MAKE NOISE! (My dog is easily distracted.)

  13. Aaaaaaand tweeted:


  14. oooh awesome giveaway! My resolution this year is to not wait until the last minute to order the cards and have to pay the rush fee!

  15. Wishing You Happiness Holiday Card
    [Pin It]
    I like these cards

  16. I always get my cards from Shutterfly - choosing is just so difficult though! $50 off would be awesome!

    melduke26 at gmail dot com
