Sunday, February 26, 2012

#febphotoaday, part 1

Lots of people on Twitter have been doing this photo a day thing. I think it's supposed to be an instagram challenge, but I don't have instagram. I've been taking photos with my regular old phone camera and, just for fun, made them into instagram-y squares in Picasa. You're supposed to tweet the pictures (hence the hashtag in the post title), but I haven't yet. Also, I've been cheating even more, because if I don't have my phone handy I grab the fancy camera. Oops.

I missed a few days, but here are the ones I've got for the beginning of the month.

Day 1 - your view today
This is the view out my cubicle window. I'm lucky to have a window and not be trapped deep in cubicle land all day, but the window isn't sealed very well and its like sitting in a refrigerator. People put on their coats to come visit our cube. (Oh yeah, I said "our" because we share cubes. Don't you want to come work at my office?)(It's really not that bad.)

Day 2 - Words
E-book checked out from the library on my iPad.

Day 3 - Hands
My sister-in-law gave Paul a drum set for Christmas. (Luckily, he's not coordinated enough to drive us crazy yet.)

Day 5 - 10am
Working in the infant room at the church nursery.

Day 6 - Dinner
Lemon basil pasta (trying to use all the yummy lemons Elizabeth sent from California!)

Day 9 - Front door
This is the inside of my front door, because I was too lazy to go outside and take a picture. (Also, I missed days 7 & 8)

Day 10 - Self-portrait
Taken in the lactation room, naturally.

Day 12 - inside your closet
I used to arrange by color, but am trying something different (see quick take 1 here).

Day 13 - Blue


  1. Great photos! The lemon pasta looks DELICIOUS and I love the sweater with the belt - so pretty!
