Thursday, December 1, 2011

I made it! NaBloPoMo 2011

I actually liked NaBloPoMo this year. Last year it was rough, but this year it was a welcome kick start. What I liked the most is how much better at coming up with post ideas it’s made me. I’m constantly looking for ideas and pretty much everything makes it into a post. Shopping for toy storage solutions? Put the contenders in a post. Forget your own last name? Post. Writing a novel-length comment? Make it a post of its own. Meg says something cute? Write it down, for goodness sake, I need something for the blog. I even went back through all my unpublished posts and tweaked/finished several of them for posting.

Then, bonus! I have funny stuff Meg said/did saved for posterity. Jen sent me a link to plans for building a toy cubby thing and my husband is building it! Plus, I’ve had way more email conversations with commenters than in a long time (or, actually, ever). I hope to keep posting several times a week, but you know how December is. It’s kind of a bummer NaBloPoMo is in November, because you get on a roll, then the holidays are likely to stop it in its tracks. Hopefully I’ll at least get around to Christmas photo posts!


  1. Ooh, you are building the toy cubby! That's awesome, I can't wait to see it!

  2. I really liked doing NaBloPoMo this year, too. It just got me in the habit of posting daily - finding an idea and actually writing about it, instead of talking myself out of it for not being good/funny/worthy enough.

  3. Yay for NaBloPoMo! I always like the push to write every day, even if there's nothing going on.
