As I mentioned, Thomas is going to Fargo this weekend to run a marathon. Meg and I are on our own. What should we do? Friday morning I have an OB appointment. We have a MOPS park play-date at 10, which takes care of lunch, too. (Everybody packs lunch and eats at the playground.) But that’s it. Our plans for the entire weekend end at noon on Friday.
I was thinking about going to the Farmer’s Market and/or some garage sales on Saturday morning, but it’s supposed to rain. I have some Redbox coupon codes, so maybe a movie? Any suggestions? (Have you guys been getting these codes? Text “DEALS” to 727272 every day between now and May 25th and you’ll receive a coupon code each day that’s good until June 2nd.)
I’m having a hard time thinking of out-of-the-house things to do, since I’m really not an out-of-the-house person. I like staying home. But 48 hours home alone with a toddler doesn’t sound too good. Help!
Fuss loves Charlotte's Web for a movie suggestion. Don't know if you can find it at Redbox or not.