1. When I asked Margaret if she wanted some turkey for lunch, she said “Gobble, gobble.” It was so adorable.
2. We went to MOPS this morning and after 10 minutes, the nursery worker brought Meg down and said “her nose was running too much.” They didn’t want her to get other kids sick. Seriously?? Its DECEMBER. What kid doesn’t have a cold? It’s not like she had the plague or something.
3. We went to Trader Joes. I couldn’t find the decaf chai. I don’t know if it’s because our Trader Joes is really small? There was only a small section of tea. They had some sort of herbal chai (naturally decaf), but I want decaf black tea with chai spice. Has anyone had that from TJ?
4. I was rather disappointed by the Candy Cane Joe-Joes. The filling was AMAZING, but the cookies were your basic generic chocolate sandwich cookies. I adore Oreos and have never found a generic that is anywhere close to the original. I refuse to eat chocolate sandwich cookies. I saw Peppermint Oreos in the store last week, but didn’t buy them. Maybe those will be better?
5. I bought the new Veggie Tales movie,
It’s a Meaningful Life and I am very excited. I fell in love with Veggie Tales long before having kids and can’t wait until Meg is old enough to really watch them. She’s seen a few, but she doesn’t really ‘get’ TV yet. I am a little nervous though, because it’s a take on
It’s a Wonderful Life, which I also love, and I just told you my feelings about knock-offs…
6. It turns out I’m not really a post-every-day kind of girl. There are some days (most notably workdays), when I just don’t have anything to say. Even with a writing prompt, I can’t get my mind going. If I can’t think of anything to write and want to go to bed at 8pm (which I generally do these days), I want to just go to bed. Now that I don’t HAVE to write, maybe I will be posting more than I thought.
Lauren, however, did an amazing job with NaBloPoMo. Not only did she post every day, but she wrote interesting things every day. She’s a rock star!